See the impact of NTM on 3 people living with the disease
Barbara was a hiker and traveler, always on the go. Her first symptom of NTM lung disease was a serious cough that stopped her from leaving the house. The cough was so violent she broke 2 ribs.
When Barbara was diagnosed with NTM lung disease after 2 years of coughing, she felt relief. She began educating herself about the disease and made some important changes to her life, including beginning treatment.

I grew up in Indiana and lived in Washington, DC, for 40 years. I hiked a lot. I went to the Grand Canyon. I went overseas, to Dominican Republic, to Africa. I just didn't sit at home very much.
My first symptoms of NTM were just a cough, and it wasn't a dry, day-by-day coughing. It was kind of a violent coughing and spasms. And so it was kind of like "grab your ribs and just cough, cough, cough." And at one point, I broke two ribs, which is a very painful injury.
I could no longer go out to lunch with friends because I would cough all through lunch. Couldn't go out to a movie theater, couldn't go to church. I would cough all through the service. I just felt lonely and scared.
I went to 15 different doctors in various medical specialties-- pulmonologists, cardiologists, allergists, infectious disease doctors. I coughed for over two years before I was finally diagnosed with this disease. I went to a major hospital that focused on lung disease, and it was at that hospital, as soon as I walked in the door, they knew I had NTM. It was almost the first thing out of their mouths.
They said, you're an older woman. You're slender. You've been coughing for a couple of years now, and you have underlying bronchiectasis. I fit the pattern. Finally, somebody, somewhere, put all the pieces of the puzzle together, and it was almost a joyous experience to know what I had, that I wasn't crazy.
Learn how Barbara’s quest for answers, which took her more than 15 different doctors and over 2 years, finally paid off.
with NTM

When I was finally diagnosed with NTM, it felt just like a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders. I had found the answer. It had taken two years and 15 doctors. I don't remember so much of what these doctors said, but I remember feeling deeply cared about. And I will always remember that. I had never, of course, met anybody else that had NTM, but I was no longer so lonely and isolated. There were other people out there.
After I was diagnosed with NTM, I turned to the internet. I researched everything I could on NTM. I wanted to know how I got it. I also started doing lung clearance, which meant every day I clean out my lungs. I use a little saline, and I blow into a device that shakes my airways. And I'm able to get a lot of mucus up. So that reduced my coughing symptoms probably by 50%, so that was key.
When we decided to treat NTM with antibiotic therapy, I was really, really scared. So I researched various drugs that were used to treat NTM. I researched the side effects. And all that served not only to give me more information, which was good, but it also served to reduce a lot of the anxiety. After doing research, I thought, well, maybe I can handle this. So many other patients had seemed to be able to handle it, and I had hope-- hope that life could be better.
Few other lingering symptoms, I think it's important to find out why. And that may take some perseverance on your part. It may mean going to a specialist. It may mean going to another city that has a medical center, to talk with people there about your lingering symptoms. So don't give up. There's hope. It's a journey, and I would say your part on the journey is to persevere, to find those people that could talk with you, whether they're a patient or a doctor.
Find out how Barbara overcame the obstacles of NTM and hear her advice for others who may have the disease.

When my cough wouldn't go away, I saw about 20 different doctors before I finally had my answer.
Barbara’s long and frustrating misdiagnosis took her from doctor to doctor with no one having the right expertise to help. Watch “Unbreakable,” an animation inspired by Barbara’s story.